Description of sub-scripts

Script in the bin folder

Compiling QC metrics, Generating QC-Report and running copynumber analysis [options]

–bamList | -i S File of files having list of all bam files (required)

—titleFile | -t S tab-delimited title file for the samples (required and submit with full path)

–AllMetrics | -am S Path to AllMetrics script (required)

—LoessNorm | -ln S Path to Loess Normalization Script (required)

–BestCN | -cn S Path to Best Copy Number Script (required)

—GCBias | -gcb S Path to GC bias file (required)

–HistNorm | -his S Path to Directory with all historical normal files (required)

—queue | -q S Name of the Sun Grd Engine Queue where the pipeline needs to run (required)

--qsub S Path to qsub executable for SGE(default:None,optional)

—bsub S Path to bsub executable for LSF(default:None,required)

–metricsScript | -ms S Name of the script used to generate .html and .pdf files

—outdir | -o S Path where all the output files will be written (optional) [default:cwd]

Genotyping Variants across multiple samples [options]

–FilteredMutationVcfFile | -fmv S vcf file describing details about the mutations (required)

—BamFile | -bam S bam file to be used for genotyping (required)

–RefFile | -rf S Path to genome reference file (required)

—samtools | -s S Path to samtools (required)

–bedtools | -b S Path to bedtools (required)

—MinBaseQualit | -mbq I Min. Base Quality Threshold (optional;default:5)

–MinMappingQuality | -mmq I Min. Mapping Quality Threshold (optional;default:5)

—deleteUnwantedFiles | -d I 2=>To delete files 1=> To keep files (default:2,optional)

–outdir | -o S Path where all the output files will be written (optional;default:current working directory)

—outFile | -of S Name of the allele depth output file (optional;default:BamFame-.bam+_mpileup.alleledepth)

–bamId | -bi S Bam Id to be used (optional;default:bamfile name)

—queue | -q S Name of the SGE / LSF Queue where the pipeline needs to run (required)

--qsub S Path to qsub executable for SGE(default:None,optional)

—bsub S Path to bsub executable for LSF(default:None,required)

–mpileUpOutFile | -mof S Name of samtools mpileup output file (optional;default:BamFile-.bam+.mpileup)

—typeOfSample | -tos S Type of Sample (optional;default:Tumor;canbe Tumor or Normal)

Running Indel Realignment using ABRA

usage: [options]

Run ABRA Indel Realignment

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i BamFile.list, –bamList BamFile.list
Full path to the tumor bam files as a fof.
-p PatientID, --patientId PatientID
 Id of the Patient for which the bam files are to be realigned
-v, --verbose make lots of noise [default]

-t 5, –threads 5 Number of Threads to be used to run ABRA -d, –mdp Threshold for downsampling depth to run ABRA -k [43 [43 ...]], –kmers [43 [43 ...]]

Number of k-mers to be used to run ABRA; Multiple k-mers are separated by space
-temp /somepath/tmpdir, –temporaryDirectory /somepath/tmpdir
Full Path to temporary directory
-r /somepath/Homo_Sapeins_hg19.fasta, –referenceFile /somepath/Homo_Sapeins_hg19.fasta
Full Path to the reference file with the bwa index.
-a /somepath/ABRA.jar, –abraJar /somepath/ABRA.jar
Full Path to the ABRA jar file.
-tr /somepath/targetRegion.bed, –targetRegion /somepath/targetRegion.bed
Full Path to the target region bed file
-j /somepath/java, –javaPATH /somepath/java
Path to java executable.
-b /somepath/bin, –bwaPATH /somepath/bin
Path to the bin of bwa executable.
-q all.q or clin.q, –queue all.q or clin.q
Name of the SGE queue
-o /somepath/output, –outDir /somepath/output
Full Path to the output dir.
-qsub /somepath/qsub, –qsubPath /somepath/qsub
Full Path to the qsub executables of SGE.
-bsub /somepath/bsub, –bsubPath /somepath/bsub
Full Path to the bsub executables of LSF.

Call Indels > 25bp using Pindel

usage: [options]

Run Pindel for Long Indels & MNPS (32bp-350bp)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i pindel.conf, –pindelConfig pindel.conf
Full path to the pindel configuration
-pId PatientID, –patientId PatientID
Id of the Patient for which the bam files are to be realigned
-v, --verbose make lots of noise [default]

-t 5, –threads 5 Number of Threads to be used to run Pindel -r /somepath/Homo_Sapeins_hg19.fasta, –referenceFile /somepath/Homo_Sapeins_hg19.fasta

Full Path to the reference file with the bwa index.
-p /somepath/pindel/bin, –pindelDir /somepath/pindel/bin
Full Path to the Pindel executables.
-chr ALL, –chromosomes ALL
Which chr/fragment. Pindel will process reads for one chromosome each time. ChrName must be the same as in reference sequence and in read file.
-q all.q or clin.q, –queue all.q or clin.q
Name of the SGE queue
-o /somepath/output, –outDir /somepath/output
Full Path to the output dir.
-op TumorID, –outPrefix TumorID
Id of the Tumor bam file which will be used as the prefix for Pindel output files
-qsub /somepath/qsub, –qsubPath /somepath/qsub
Full Path to the qsub executables of SGE.
-bsub /somepath/bsub, –bsubPath /somepath/bsub
Full Path to the bsub executables of LSF.

Script in the support-scripts folder

Calculate intervals from bam file that have some minimum coverage

usage: [options]

This will run find covered interval program from GATK.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i BamFile.list, –bamList BamFile.list
Full path to the tumor bam files as a fof.
-of OutFilePrefix, –outFilePrefix OutFilePrefix
Output Covered Interval File Prefix for the bam files.
-v, --verbose make lots of noise [default]
-t 5, –threads 5 Number of Threads to be used to run
-dp 20, –totaldepth 20
Total depth threshold
-mbq 20, –minbasequality 20
Threshold for minimum base quality for Running Find Covered Interval
-mmq 20, –minmappingquality 20
Threshold for minimum mapping quality for Running Find Covered Interval
-r /somepath/Homo_Sapeins_hg19.fasta, –referenceFile /somepath/Homo_Sapeins_hg19.fasta
Full Path to the reference file with the bwa index.
-g /somepath/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar, –gatkJar /somepath/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
Full Path to the GATK jar file.
-j /somepath/java, –javaPATH /somepath/java
Path to java executable.
-q all.q or clin.q, –queue all.q or clin.q
Name of the SGE queue
-o /somepath/output, –outDir /somepath/output
Full Path to the output dir.
-qsub /somepath/qsub, –qsubPath /somepath/qsub
Full Path to the qsub executables of SGE.
-bsub /somepath/bsub, –bsubPath /somepath/bsub
Full Path to the bsub executables of LSF.

Annotating variants in merged variant file [options]

–SomaticMutIndelFile | -si S File containing mutations (required and submit with full path,Ex:/SomePath/Some_SomaticMutIndel.txt)

—ConfigurationFile | -c S Configuration file that contains the locations for the programs and the databases (required and submit with full path)

–titleFile | -t S tab-delimited title file for the samples (required and submit with full path)

—outdir | -o S Path where all the output files will be written (optional;default:cwd)

–exonCoverageFile | -ec S Path where the all exon coverage file is located (full path]

—geneCoverageFile | -gc S Path where the gene coverage file is located (full path)]

—deleteUnwantedFiles | -d I 2=>To delete files 1=> To keep files (default:2,optional)

Filter variants after annotation [options]

–input | -i S File containing mutations with genotype information (required)

—hotspots | -h S File containing the list of hotspots (required)

–clinicalExons | -ce S File containing the list of clinical exons (required)

—titleFile | -t S Title file (required)

–minimumDPforSNVs | -dp_snv I Minumum accepted DP for novel SNVs (default: 20)

—minimumADforSNVs | -ad_snv I Minimum accepted AD for novel SNVs (default: 10)

–minimumVFforSNVs | -vf_snv F Minimum accepted VF for novel SNVs (default: 0.05)

—minimumDPforSNVhotspot | -dp_snvHS I Minumum accepted DP for Hotspot SNVs (default: 20)

–minimumADforSNVhotspot | -ad_snvHS I Minimum accepted AD for Hotspot SNVs (default: 8)

—minimumVFforSNVhotspot | -vf_snvHS F Minimum accepted VF for Hotspot SNVs (default: 0.02)

–minimumDPforINDELs | -dp_indel I Minumum accepted DP for novel INDELs (default: 20)

—minimumADforINDELs | -ad_indel I Minimum accepted AD for novel INDELs (default: 10)

–minimumVFforINDELs | -vf_indel I Minimum accepted VF for novel INDELs (default: 0.05)

—minimumDPforINDELhotspot | -dp_indelHS F Minumum accepted DP for Hotspot INDELs (default: 20)

–minimumADforINDELhotspot | -ad_indelHS I Minimum accepted AD for Hotspot INDELs (default: 8)

—minimumVFforINDELhotspot | -vf_indelHS F Minimum accepted VF for Hotspot INDELs (default: 0.02)

–minimumOccurrencePercent | -occurrence S Minimum accepted value of occurrence in other normals, in percent (default: 20)

—TNfreqRatioThreshold | -tn_ratio S Minimum value for VFt/VFn value (default: 5)

–MAFthreshold | -mt F Minimum accepted MAF values for unmatched variant calls (default : 0.01)

Filter indels from SomaticIndelDetector before genotyping [options]

–IndelTxtFile|t S tab-delimted Indel file describing details about the mutations (required)

—IndelVcfFile|v S VCF format Indel file describing details about the mutations (required)

–sampleName|s S Name of the sample (required)

—totaldepth|dp I Tumor total depth threshold for Somatic Indel Detector(default:0,optional)

–alleledepth|ad I Tumor Allele depth threshold for Somatic Indel Detector(default:3,optional)

—variantfreq|vf F Tumor variant frequency threshold for Somatic Indel Detector(default:0.01,optional)

–TNratio|tnr I Tumor-Normal variant frequency ratio threshold for Somatic Indel Detector(default:5,optional)

—outdir|o S Path where all the output files will be written (optional) default:current working directory

Filter snv from MuTect before genotyping [options]

–MutationTxtFile|t S tab-delimted Mutect file describing details about the mutations (required)

–MutationVcfFile|v S VCF format Mutect file describing details about the mutations (required)

—sampleName|s S Name of the sample (required)

–totaldepth|dp I Tumor total depth threshold for Mutect(default:0,optional).

—alleledepth|ad I Tumor Allele depth threshold for Mutect(default:3,optional).

–variantfreq|vf F Tumor variant frequency threshold for Mutect(default:0.01,optional).

—TNratio|tnr I Tumor-Normal variant frequency ratio threshold for Mutect(default:5,optional).

–outdir|o S Path where all the output files will be written (optional) default:current working directory

Filter indels from PINDEL before genotyping

usage: [options]

Filter Indels from the output of pindel

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose make lots of noise [default]
-i SomeID.vcf, -inputVcf SomeID.vcf
Input vcf freebayes file which needs to be filtered
-tsn SomeName, –tsampleName SomeName
Name of the tumor Sample
-dp 0, –totaldepth 0
Tumor total depth threshold
-ad 3, –alleledepth 3
Tumor allele depth threshold

-tnr 5, –tnRatio 5 Tumor-Normal variant frequency ratio threshold -vf 0.01, –variantfrequency 0.01

Tumor variant frequency threshold
-o /somepath/output, –outDir /somepath/output
Full Path to the output dir.
-min 25, –min_var_len 25
Minimum length of the Indels
-max 500, –max_var_len 500
Max length of the Indels